There’s No Such Place As Far Away, by Richard Bach

“Once upon a time, in a land far far away..” – Most books that I read during my early childhood would begin in this way. And so, when I recently spotted the title ‘There’s No Such Place As Far Away’, I was definitely intrigued. Even more so by the book’s fine layout and few number of pages.

Richard Bach uses simple vocabulary and a common situation to set our minds thinking about a complex perception. What does ‘far away’ mean? Each character in this story poses a unique question that requires deep introspection to find a meaningful answer.

I am still searching for a response.

Meanwhile, I have more questions. Pondering over the message of this book, I wonder aloud –

Is ‘far away’ a measurement of the physical distance that separates us from someone? Does the Internet truly impact this definition in that case?

Is it influenced by the emotions and feelings shared with another being?

Could you be so emotionally ‘connected’ with someone you love that you are always together, and there is no such place as far away?

This book is a quick read and provides food for thought.